Thursday 31 July 2014

FACED Makeup: Questions and Answers - July 2014

Q & A

July 2014

Hello Everyone!
This month, we are going to be focusing on some Questions & Answers you might have about FACED, Makeup, or beauty-related things. Please proceed to read our five Q&A's below!

  • What exactly is FACED? What is your product?

  • Why do we need education on our makeup?

  • VEGAN MAKEUP - Misconceptions: The fear of change, does it last all day?

  • How do I order some makeup?

  • Why do Makeup Artists charge so much? How does FACED determine it's pricing structure?

What exactly is FACED? What is your product?
FACED is an educational makeup artistry agency. We train, educate, and hire our artists on a sub-contractor basis that allows them to work easily and efficiently with you. We provide artists for you within York, Toronto, Durham, Peel and the Halton Regions for a variety of beauty-related services such as bridal makeup, weddings, proms, special events, one on one tutorials, and our specialty: All About MUA (Make-Up Art) Parties! We offer these services using 100% Vegan, Organic, Nontoxic, Fair-Trade and Gluten-Free skincare and cosmetics as our tools - but they are also available for purchase! IF you have absolutely no interest in the product and want to learn how to do your makeup with the products you already have, we can do that too! At FACED, we want to make your service experience as enjoyable and easy as possible while offering you an invaluable roster of highly trained and knowledgeable Makeup Artists.

Why do we need education on our makeup?
Our skin is our largest organ and anything we put into or onto it will be absorbed. Makeup is spread out over a large surface area of our face (sitting on some of the thinnest skin we have on our bodies). Our eyelids quickly absorbs the substance through the cell membranes, entering directly into our bloodstream. If our makeup is made using synthetic chemicals and preservatives, or genetically modified ingredients, our body will absorb those materials, potentially affecting our overall health. When we become educated on the makeup we use and put onto absorptive surfaces such as especially our eyes, and mouths we can then become aware of the things we put onto and into our bodies and can make an education decision about continuing to use certain products. 
We offer skin, body, and earth friendly products for your use, application, or purchase. Do you have a skin or makeup question? Host an All About MUA party for the month of August and September for FREE! 

VEGAN MAKEUP - Misconceptions: The fear of change, and does it last all day?
Vegan makeup is an experience for those who have never tried it before. You may have heard about stereotypical preconceptions out there, including the following:
  • The makeup won't last all day 
  • It won't show up as well
  • It doesn't work or look natural
So what's the REAL situation with vegan makeup? It all depends on one thing... INGREDIENTS! Why do people think that it doesn't last? Very simple! When we break it down, the skin is very scientific. It has its molecular structure and it has its processes (both natural and re-active). When we really break it down on a molecular level, our skin works very much the way plants do. That is why not only vegan, but vegan and NONTOXIC makeup (which is very rare to find a brand that exists, let alone WORKS!) is much more compatible and beneficial for your skin in many ways. There are many so-called ‘organic’ products on the market, however, it is not a given that these are also chemical free and non-toxic. It is a case of ‘caveat emptor’ (buyer beware) and inform yourself before you purchase.
 We make sure we leave our clients with a detailed understanding about the benefits they can achieve and maintain using ingredients which are good for the earth and good for the body. These ingredients are similar or even exactly like some of the ingredients in your kitchen cupboards!

Why wouldn’t makeup last all day? If the skin has not been properly cleansed before an application, the excess dirt, oil, or makeup left on will affect the wearability of the makeup – any makeup.  Without being cleaned off where else would dirt or oil go or lie other than beneath the applied makeup? You always want to apply makeup on a clean canvas – in this case, your face.

What if it doesn't show up or give me any colour? This comes down to not only the brand being used, but the artist and their skill level as well. The product that we used is made in Canada using organic, fair-trade, and nontoxic ingredients, upon which all of our artists have been thoroughly trained and educated. We offer a wide library of knowledge for any skin-care problems or challenges, breaking down the concept of beauty from a structural point of view into its individual parts, allowing us to approach makeup with a deep awareness and understanding of its depth. Colour is a factor of depth – the more you apply, the more intense the result.

What if it doesn't look natural or work? The name of the brand we use is "HAUT Cosmetics" which translated in German, means skin. To FACED and HAUT, "less is more" and we want not only to achieve, but to maintain healthy, youthful, and radiant skin. With that being said, natural looks are our specialty, but we also definitely possess the right products and tools to create that bold, colourful, and dramatic look! If you are unhappy with the result, the artist will continue to work with you until you are completely satisfied with your look.

How do I order the makeup products?
HAUT offers all of their products for purchase online at their website, and through FACED at  However, we strongly believe and highly recommend booking an appointment with one of our certified artists at FACED to determine which products and colours would be best for you. Your personal session will give you a chance to work with and use the products before you order and make your purchase. If you are like most women,you could probably use more time in the day! FACED is here to make your beauty experiences more peaceful and enjoyable with a personalized tutorial and lesson on the recommended techniques and colours for your individual face shape, colour, and more! Inquire about an All About MUA Party or One on One session today at

Why do Makeup Artists charge so much? How does FACED determine its pricing structure?
Just like any other trade professionals (carpenter, stylist, graphic designer) Artists charge based on several variables that contribute to the overall expense. Our artists earn a set hourly and service rate before gratuities from the client that are received upon completion of their work and assurance of complete satisfaction of their appointments. These costs are intended to cover: 
  • Kit fees and usage of artist's tools(an artist’s kit costs anywhere upwards from $1500 - $2000 to be able to offer a full range of products for use of the client)
  • Travel fees includ. distance travelled, time on the road, Gas, Parking
  • Services performed
  • Booking fees: the administration of confirmations, cancellations, bookings, scheduling, software maintenance, website updates etc.
If you're a bride-to-be on a budget, or are simply interested/curious, I highly recommend reading this article originally written by a fellow artist Nikita Pere (Click Here) This article will go a little bit more in-depth with a detailed explanation of why artists charge what they do!

Ok, so let's say you're interested. What now?
It’s easy! All you have to do is decide what type of service you are looking for! You may be interested in our bridal trial and wedding makeup application services, or simply want to make a change in your personal makeup routine. Our educational services include the following options:

One on One Tutorials
This includes a 90-minutes one to one in-depth skin and makeup analysis. You will also be working hands-on with the makeup creating a look suited to fit your face features and colours.
Click Here to read more about what's offered in a session!

All About MUA (MakeUp Art) Workshops
Host a 2-hour workshop at your house with 3-6 girlfriends and receive the entire session for FREE for the months of August and September.  Learn how to do your eyes and brows professionally, using all the techniques, colours, and tools available to your fingertips with this hands-on, one of a kind experience in the company of your friends and a highly trained professional!
Click Here to read more about what's offered in the workshop!

Now armed with this information, please go to our Website and head over to the Contact Us page to fill out an inquiry, or email us directly at and we will get back to you within 1 business day! Change your outlook and the way you look today!

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